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Apakah cara menyimpan bateri kering


1. Terdapat banyak tempat di manabateri keringdigunakan, seperti mainan, radio, lampu suluh, dan lain-lain. Bagi yang tidak kerap digunakan,bateri keringboleh dikeluarkan terlebih dahulu, yang dapat mengelakkan kutub positif dan negatif bateri kering membentuk kitaran dan mengurangkan kehilangan kuasa bateri kering.

2. There is a chemical reaction inside the dry battery, and the temperature will affect the speed of running the battery. The higher the temperature, the faster the running speed of the dry battery, and the lower the temperature, the slower the running speed. Therefore, in daily life, remember to avoid putting bateri kering in direct sunlight. If necessary, you can put bateri kering in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator, which can slow down the running speed of bateri kering. But remember, do not let bateri kering come into direct contact with food, as this will have a bad effect on food.

3. Humidity is a factor that affects the running speed of bateri kering. The higher the humidity, the faster the running speed, and the lower the humidity, the slower the running speed. For the storage environment of bateri kering, the humidity should not exceed 65%. Excessive humidity will make the battery contacts rusty, making it impossible to use bateri kering. Remember, the dry battery must be placed in a dry place to avoid an environment with water, which will increase the humidity in the environment.

4. Bateri keringmempunyai kutub positif dan negatif, dan arus mengalir dari satu tiang ke tiang yang lain, membentuk satu kitaran. Untuk mengelakkan fenomena kehabisan, anda boleh mengganggu kitaran ini, anda boleh menambahkan lapisan minyak lilin nipis pada elektrod negatif bateri kering, yang menjadikan tiang positif dan negatif tidak dapat berkomunikasi, dan elektrik tidak dapat kehabisan.